Рецензия на фильм по-английски:
Here in Hungary, Zoltan Toepler, a jewish regisseur, self-definited "artist" made a film, titled "Hypocrite" In this film a cat is drowned. The little animal's death was no trick, Zoltan Toepler pridefully declared that he himself drowned the kitten. The agony of the kitten lasted for two minutes. While the scene lasted, much of the audience left the room.
Zoltan Toepler got award for his film. The jury claimed they didn't know about that the killing of the cat was true. When people almost mob-lawed the " artist", he was apologizing, saying that the cat was very sick and would have been put to death next day.
Yes. I know. Killing needless animals exists. It's almost a natural thing that when needless animals are born, they're drowned in a bucket of water or simply put out to the fields to die. I cannot say anything against that - this is a problem which cannot be solved simply. People would need money for sterilization, good fences, etc... blablabla. You don't have to give it to me.
But killing an animal for a film's sake is cruel. Once again I say: the kitten was 'specially" drowned for this film's sake. It's pervert and I don't think people would need that kind of cruelty. We have law against torturing animals. And such an offence against the law gets prize and is considered as art?
You can watch it (if you want) here: [link]
And now tell me that this is art.
И краткое резюме:
Во время показа фильма, где эпизод длился 2 минуты, большинство зрителей покинуло зал.
Жюри отмазывается тем, что не знало, что в эпизоде котенка топят не по-нарошке (типа если понарошку, то он от самого процесса не мучается).
Режиссер же с гордостью подтвердил, что сцена реальна и он лично утопил котенка.
На гнев общественности он выдал отмазку, что котенок был якобы безнадежно болен и все равно подлежал усыплению в ближайшем будущем (кто смотрел, усомнится). (даже если это так, поэтому был выбран такой гуманный способ "усыпить" больного котенка?! Да еще и с гордостью продемонстировать!)